Sunday, December 28, 2008

If you don't have anything nice to say, well don't blog....

For the past several weeks I have been quiet in my blogging. Mostly because though some people like to be controversial with their blogs, to generate more followers, that just isn't my approach. So, I decided to follow the age old wisdom, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. Well I am back, and though I hope what I say will be thought provoking, my thoughts are in a much better place today then the day I went to the women's retreat at my new church.
It was an awesome day, a women's retreat in SILENCE! Yep, no speaking, nothing for 6 hours...and that was the totality of the retreat, I am telling you folks I love my church~it rocks....During the six hours of silence you could do anything you wanted that nourished your spirit and prepared your "manger for advent" including seeking spiritual direction from our Reverend, and you could get a massage from a nun who came down to serve the women that day. So I wrote a lot, about things that have been disturbing me lately.
That is why I stopped blogging. I love being Episcopal because we love everyone, our doors are open wide to all who will come - left, right, middle, white, black, all who love or seek to know the Lord are welcome at His table. Its liberating, but what has been troubling me is that word, love. Do I really love everyone? Do you?
The only honest answer I have found at the quiet retreat, and am living with today is no, not really. I don't love everyone, and that means that I am not following the greatest of the commands, and that is really a bummer. I am falling short, so short of what Christ wants for and from me; but this is no great surprise to him.....
That too is what I am living with, the implications of a God who is not surprised by anything, nothing. On one hand its a great comfort, on another hand it really makes me angry. These are the new realities that are a part of my spiritual journey today, I suppose they have always been there, but today as I slow down, way down in my life I am starting to understand just who it is I don't love well in the kingdom and world around me; and why. And its quite convicting.

If you are willing to spend even an hour of quiet contemplation and make that list God will bless you for your honesty and He will be faithful to begin to give you eyes to see how and who to love and why it is so important that we love those who are the least like us, the least likely to deserve our love, and he will help us to gain a heart and understanding for them. Watch, it will happen, then come back and please tell me about it!

Monday, December 1, 2008

What we already knew....we are in a recession.

After church on Sunday the Rev. Diane gave my husband a copy of her Thanksgiving service to share with me. I was so blessed by her words, and today one of the points she made kept echoing in my head and heart - more on that later.

Today the government announced with its usual flair that we have apparently been in a recession for one year. Now I don't know about you, but I didn't need that announcement to confirm what I've known for quite some time. Sure there are technical, economic indicators that confirm we are indeed in an economic recession. Unfortunately its only in hindsight that this pronouncement can be made - with historical data.

How then are we to respond, especially as Christians. Now we get back to the Rev. Diane's most awesome Thanksgiving message. She says, "now is not the time to hoard, or operate from fear but rather to be as generous as you can afford to be in sharing your blessings with others who are less fortunate." I mean wow, how counter intuitive, yet how totally Christ-like. Right now, I am watching every single penny I am spending, and cutting every extravagance - but the one thing I shouldn't be cutting is my giving; especially to the poor, needy, and disenfranchised. Sure that would be an easy cut because really how far away from us are they? Africa, Indonesia, Russia? Well no, they are our neighbors. They are people just like you and me - people who have been laid off from work who just need a little kindness; someone to be generous with them in these scary times.

So these were my marching orders this past weekend, give as much as we can - not simply materially but time, energy, love, laughter, interest, compassion, care, concern, acknowledgment, encouragement and the coat off your back. Now that is a challenge that gets me excited about weathering this recession, staying generous in word, spirit, and deed through fearful times.

What about you, will you join me in becoming recession proof through having a spirit of generosity? Go ahead, try it tomorrow just bless someone either in spirit or deed and see how it goes. Maybe even that homeless person at the end of the freeway off ramp who you think is just running a racket, give them the benefit of the doubt and a buck or a burger or something.....just do it, try this generosity thing on for size and lets see if we can't counter the pervasive fear that is spreading around with some good old fashion christian love and kindness.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

100 Things to Do Before I Die

On my 40th Birthday I created a bucket list, consisting of one hundred things to do before I died. It was a hard list to make, I mean it was hard to come up with one hundred things that I really wanted to do before I died. Mostly I really wanted a lot of quality experiences with my family....but I had to put some pretty bizarre stuff on there to get to one hundred. At the same time, my daughter and I compared lists and it was funny to see some of the contrasts on our lists. For example; I wanted to "be picked from the crowd to get a kiss from Shamu" and she wanted to, "dive with killer whales." This clearly demonstrated the difference between our ages - and our different levels of willingness to risk in life. My daughter is brave and also she is willing to try things I am completely unwilling to. For example, after we became certified, the first dive she did was a night dive! So courageous, for me - I was certain I would be eaten by something in the deep dark sea, so I stayed behind; and after 4 years still haven't mustered the courage to do it, but it is on my bucket list.
Lately since leaving Worship Leader Magazine, I am working on a new list; my gratitude list. Things I am grateful for in my life. It is easy when you are going through hard times to become angry and bitter. And I am revising my bucket list. Some of the absurd items are coming off, and I am adding things to my list that really matter to me, like, "learn to forgive my enemies." That one may come as I draw my last breath, but its certainly worthy of the list! A couple weeks ago a friend of mine, Tracie was diagnosed with cancer. She has given me permission to share her amazing story. She is at the beginning of her cancer journey. She is working on her lists with me; and one of her bucket list items is a tattoo at LA Ink, and to be on a TV Show, also to be on a Radio Show. We are working together to get her in Mid-March of this year to LA Ink. So yesterday while in LA we went up to LA Ink and did a little scouting trip. It was so different than I thought it would be.
We walked in to this little tiny shop and I guess I thought I would see Kat Von D right there, my husband took a seat in the pink coffin window seat with Gigi while we talked to the gentlemen at the front desk. It was very surreal.
All this to say, its good to have goals and things to live for, little things like LA Ink, and big things like, "learn to forgive my enemies." What is on your bucket list? What is on your gratitude list? These two lists are what I am meditating on right now and working to stay focused on because the distractions of life tend to want to pull me into the wrong focus right now, they want to pull me into my fleshly nature, into all the trappings of life - not at all where God intends or desires me to be.
I am so proud of my friend Tracie for starting her bucket list. It doesn't take a cancer diagnosis to start fighting for your life.....or living for life's little and big adventures - intentionally. I guess some people don't even need lists; but its nice to have one and to document the journey along the way that the Lord is taking you on as you see Him work in and through you accomplishing your bucket list!

Here are a few of the items that I have finished on my list;
See Christiana Graduate High School
See Trevor get into a college
Get Gigi to 40lbs.
Learn how to text message
Get Scuba Certified

Here are a few on my list that I still have to finish:
See a cure for AIDS in my lifetime
Learn to forgive my enemies
See Greece with Mark for our 30th Anniversary
Do a night dive

Why not start a bucket list for yourself, its a great way to see and acknowledge a life lived with intention, and all of the blessings that the Lord is bestowing upon you as you move from one adventure to the next.

Be blessed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Empty Nest - Full Nest

The process of gathering back together our family - all of our families for Thanksgiving requires both grace and patience. May you be blessed with an abundant measure of both.

Today I went and saw the movie Bolt, with my six year old and my eighteen year old, and what a great movie it was, fantastic. I give that one a five on my highest rating. It had it all, though the story line was reminicient of the Truman Show it was worth the effort and money, and we all laughed a lot.

We spent today remembering, putting back together our little family, the kids are coming home, we are all going to be back under the same roof together for the first time since July of this year. And it feels great. As I type this I can hear laughter around our little neighborhood of patio homes as others do the same, and begin celebrating the holiday.

All I want to do this holiday though really is remember to be so thankful that it drips off my lips to God every second that I am so grateful for my family, for my life, for what He has given me - though I cannot comprehend what my life is at this moment or the twists and turns of our current path or journey, He knows and He is faithful and I thank Him for that.

May you have a cup that overflows this holiday, remember your God, and rejoice and be thankful!

More to thank God for;

Jude & Brenton Brown
Christiana Reid

In no particular order, what are you thankful for?

Julie Reid

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Its all about Thankfulness, right?

This week we are of all weeks to be thankful. Have you been thankful for your job this week? Do you have a job? So many Americans in the past couple months have been laid off or let go, and just before the holidays find themselves unable to feed their families, or pay the bills - entire industries coming to a halt, or disappearing. Have you given thanks for your industry, your boss, your markeplace? Give thanks! You may have the most boring job, the worst boss, the most horrible industry, but you have one. Give thanks. A lady got up in church and asked for a blessing a few weeks ago, she had been looking for a job for 10 months and you could tell it had really taken a toll on her spirit, she was wanting to work - and asking for prayer for a new job. I think about her as I type this out and I thank God for her asking for prayer, she makes me thankful tonight as I pray and thank God for His provisions - I know as he has provided these past 10 months for her, He will also provide a job.

The news is so depressing. Its all going terribly wrong, the economic news is worse every day, there isn't much to be glad about, but we have so much more than what you can find on CNN or Fox or whatever station you tune in on. Believe me, I cannot be accused of being an optimist; those that know me know that isn't where I tend to be in life. But today one of our traditions is to sing the Psalms as a congregation. Its not pretty, but its beautiful - so we sang this - and I was hit with the beauty of these words:

PS 85: 8-13
I will listen to what the LORD God is saying
for he is speaking peace to his faithful people
and to those who turn their hearts to him.

Truly his salvation is very near to those who fear him,
that his glory may dwell in our land.

Mercy and truth have met together
righteousness and peace have kissed each other.

Truth shall spring up from the earth,
And righteousness shall look down from heaven.

The Lord will indeed grant prosperity,
and our land will yeild its increase.

Righteousness shall go before him
And peace shall be a pathway for his feet.

Okay, so now I want to encourage you to try and sing this Psalm when you maybe aren't feeling thankful this week, or you are feeling afraid or anxious - and you will feel peace, and then probably soon the thankfulness will come. How cool is that line, "mercy and truth have met togethter, righteousness and peace have kissed each other." Man, that just made me so grateful for the Psalms and what we have in the ability to sing them and they bring such peace and beauty into our hearts.

All this to say, I don't know what your week looks like - but I am going to try and stay away from the news,seek peace, thank God for all of His provisions, and enjoy my family. Sing the Psalms and enjoy the Lord in all that you do. Try and read these scriptures this week: Hebrews 11: 8-16 - Our God has an amazing future planned for us.

I am mediating on a list of things I am grateful for this week, top among them, and after God are the following:
Apple Pie
Warm Baths
My Children
My Husband
My Church
My Friend Tracie Martin
Scuba Diving

And a whole host of friends, by the way this is in no particular order......of course I love my family more than apple pie :) What are you grateful for?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Anything is possible in America....National Adoption Month

Four and a half years ago our family received the call to adopt our little African princess, Geraldine.....and almost three years ago we brought her home to America, full of hope for her future. The reality was, she wouldn't have had much of a future had she remained in Africa. She was suffering the effects of malnourishment, and many of her specialists have assured us that she has beat the odds, and now she is living on what we like to call "God time." Beyond her life expectancy in Africa....

But when we brought her here, to America, our hope for her wasn't simply for her to live. It was for her to thrive. We believed anything would be possible for Gigi. Anything. She would be able to do anything she put her mind to, but until last week -when Barack Obama became President - Elect; I guess I didn't realize that I had a doubt in my own heart that in our world that really wasn't true because of her racial make up.

Now this poses a couple problems for me; spiritually it just doesn't line up with what I know to be true - because of what the Word tells me, in terms of all things being possible! But the realities are we live in a country that has yet to have an African American or Mixed race President.

Secondly, the level of racism that we have personally experienced as a result of having a bi-racial family has shown me and our family how far our country still has to go. As a white family we never had to face any type of racism, now because of our adoption of Gigi we've brought her into a largely white world; and we see how people engage with us; and we have many opportunities to "turn the other cheek." Most are gracious, many our curious, some are ignorant, but a few are racist.

Something in me honestly broke when Barack Obama became President Elect, because I knew that now when I tell Gigi she can become anything in America, she has a person who she can identify with that looks like her that is American in the highest office in our land....

So November being National Adoption Month is a big, huge, enormous deal for me and my family. I am so proud to be the mom of an adopted daughter, a daughter who happens to be from Africa! Mark and I would love love love to adopt another child. Gigi asked Mark and I the other day if we would, "get her a brother from Africa."

Who knows, anything is possible, right?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Election Season

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted,a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace,
and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.
-- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

And yes folks, a time for elections! My six year old made this announcement at the dinner table the other night, "the twins are voting for McCain, my best friend is voting for Obama, the neighbors are for McCain, and of course I am voting for Obama." This was very important for her to announce to us, so important all conversation had to stop at the table. You see even our six year old wanted her vote to be counted. It was important that she let us know that her other six year old friends had all been talking about the election, and she wanted us to know they were in the "know" as well. You know what, something interesting was happenning there that we weren't experiencing....they had not been fighting, they had simply talked, and then went back to the playground and laughed and went back to being friends again.

Oh how I wish it were so for us grown-ups. One person reported to me she had been told if she voted for Barack Obama she wasn't a Christian! I myself have had my own nightmare recently in the September issue of worship leader magazine our staff used a photo of my daughter who was wearing an Obama for your Mama shirt. We used that as a photo illustration to make the point that kids have not left the church for lack of time, but rather lack of interest. It wasn't a photo endorsement, as I don't ever share my personal views, however, rather than get the point, I got hate mail. That mail was so hurtful, calling me and my daughter left wing, abortion loving, femi-natzi's...well folks here is the truth, and you may want to brace yourself for this: I am a democrat and I am going to vote for Barack Obama. However I am capable of disagreeing with one or even two issues with a person or president and still being for that person, if I wasn't I would basically have no friends. But I am not abortion loving, trust me on this one. I am a lover of my three beautiful children, and I am a lover of adoption, life, children, and most importantly the Lord. You could accuse me of these things. We've lost the ability to disagree civilly with our brothers and sisters. We have become mean spirited even with our christian brothers and sisters.

It is amazing how mean people have gotten over this election, we really need to check ourselves people! In about 3 days we will have a President that we will have voted for, but God will have chosen. Yep, he chooses, and affirms our leaders. Like it or not, this democrat has had to pray for a Republican president for 8 years that my Lord affirmed. Romans V. 1, "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority excpt that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God." In other words, we vote, we show up and do our thing but God is the author of outcomes. And we don't get to not behave in accordance with scripture along the way! Acting horribly towards each other, or towards those we don't agree with (and I am guilty even last night of this), isn't glorifying our Lord in the process.

Lets make this next 3 days a sweet election season, and whoever the Lord puts in authority, lets make it our steadfast commitment to pray for them, submit to their authority - later in Romans it says that He is Gods servant to do good....for those who do what is right......lets be those people.

Anyway, enough on this, except to say, whoever reads this, even one person, be kind to your neighbor on the left of the aisle or the right, and stop the mudslinging. If John McCain wins, I will commit myself to pray for him and his wife and family for all his days in office, and if Barack Obama wins I will do the same - will you?

Let kindness and peace rule in your hearts!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Don't Worry.....

These were the first two words of the Reverends message yesterday as I sat in the pew, unemployed for the first time in 15 years! She continued, "Don't worry, Moses started out as a basket case too." Everyone in our small Episcopal church let out a collective laugh, they all related to the funny little joke. The point she said, was that the people who launched Moses down the river were "faithful" to put him in the basket, all kidding aside, they were co-laborers in Gods plan.

God too would be faithful throughout Moses's life, in reading Deuteronomy 34:1-8, where Moses dies and doesn't get to enter the promise land. Now, I must admit I never have liked this story. I have always thought Moses got kind of a raw deal here, but believing God is perfect, and His ways are always just, looking at it from a new point of view couldn't hurt; especially in light of my new circumstance.

You see this story has particular meaning to me because this Friday was my last day of work for Worship Leader Magazine. Not something I thought I would be experiencing today or going through, (and I am not equating myself with Moses), but in many ways we all experience mini-deaths this side of heaven, and the loss of a job, the loss of leading, the loss of a dream, these are all mini deaths we must grieve.

But man, I am thrilled that I am going out in many ways like Moses did. I still have my vision - (not 20/20 eyesight) but I still believe, so many wins, the best issues, a great team, wonderful customers, a great track record; a seven year fantastic run......artists and friends that will last a lifetime, a God that never deserted me in the process.

This was my Reverends message; be faithful, and if you don't get to go where you want or where you thought you were supposed to or were entitled to go - don't worry, because God has a different plan for you - and its infinitely better. If you are truly in the will and hand of God; its definitely going to be better! And you know what, that is where I am today, in the middle of the will of a perfect and just God I simply cannot be worried. Its when I get too far from Him that I start leaning on my own understanding that trouble comes my way.

There are always going to be things that happen to us, because of us, and as a result of our choices that are unfair when we are leaders or even just as believers. We will face things that seem unjust, that is for sure. But in the hands of a just God, He will always, always set things right for those who love and worship Him. That is the justice we must always seek. In this crazy world we live in right now where nothing makes any sense, I want to think about Moses, who was faithful, and I want to think about a God who is always faithful as well.

Not sure what leadership crisis you face right now but I do know God is faithful, and wherever you find yourself He is calling you to rest knowing He will take you the rest of the way, He will not let you down.

Blessings friends.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Recontextualizing Foolishness

You can't Fool Mother Nature! Well you would probably need to be at least 40 years old to be someone who would remember the you can't fool mother nature video you can view on you tube at ( in essence it was a very catchy advertising campaign that launched margarine into the market over butter. But even though we often like the fruits of what we are fooled with as Mother Nature did with margarine, mother nature doesn't like it when she is fooled though and brings upon a storm when she realizes she has been fooled - and thats where the famous line from the 70's comes from, "its not nice to fool with mother nature."

How do you feel when you get fooled or look like a fool? Maybe its as innocent as a friend not telling you that you've got a bugger in your nose all through a business lunch, or toliet paper on your shoe, you are embarrassed. Or as we see right now in the mortgage crisis, lots of people were fooled. They bought homes thinking they were getting loans they could afford, and then found out later that they couldn't.....or worse thinking they were fixed rate, then they adjusted and they doubled, and now they not only don't have a home, they have bad credit, a ruined life - maybe they are homeless, they may feel like a fool. Some say they should have known better, they got greedy, and yes to a certain extent that is true; but some people were just plain swindled.

Maybe someone invested in a company, poured their life into it, and gave everything they had, but just this past month found out that all their investment was gone because it had been squandered by a boss who was not what he had portrayed himself to be? Hasn't that happened to you or a friend you know? Lehman Brothers, Enron, Wall Street, Main Street, nobody is immune - we are all surrounded by fools, and we all end up as fools at one time or another. Betrayed, abandoned, abused, denied, and needing the healing salve of a wounded savior who completely relates to us in it all.

The Bible has much to say about fools, foolishness, and the like. In the NT alone there are numerous references but I like how it re contextualizes foolishness for us in 1 Cor 3:18:

Do not deceive yourselves, anyone of you who thinks he is wise by the standards of this age he should become a "fool" so he may become wise. The wisdom of this world is foolishness in Gods sight, as it is written, He catches the wise in their craftiness.

These words definitely cause me to pause - don't be wise by this worlds standards - be a fool so you can become wise! Don't you feel that way sometimes you just can't beat those crafty people at their games? Well, you aren't supposed to! Let God deal with them, His justice is perfect and ours isn't. We aren't meant to rely upon our craftiness, it isn't wisdom.

In Ephesians it says, "Don't be foolish but understand what the Lords will is" so we must always be looking for what the Lords will is, and not conform to the worlds standards for wisdom. God sees right through us and to our heart and motivation.

All of the economic meltdowns, negative politics, social nightmares, and betrayals piled up on after another should cause us to stop and take a moment not to run the other way from God, but to realize that its time to do some idol smashing and fool discovering in our lives. This is a regular part of our lives this side of heaven. I hate to say it but our days between now and the end of our time here on earth are likely to be filled with more sweetness and more bitterness - as we walk this road Jesus will be simply a sojourner but our ever present help in a time of need....that is what He is supposed to be.

May we become fools who seek after God and His kingdom not the riches of this world, may we be wise in the ways that God wants us to be, may we be hungry to know Gods will in our lives, and may we experience His manifest presence in our lives.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

He is Here....Psalm 31

Do you ever have those amazing days when you just need a friend and then all of the sudden, God just puts them in your path to minister to you? Well that was me today, and God is so faithful. As I write this blog, I am listening to the latest Crowder CD, and my good friend is doing some artwork to my right. We've had a great day walking on the beach and talking - and just connecting.

Life right now for many of us is filled with anxiety for a multitude of reasons, but this isn't a "new" condition. King David was no stranger to anxiety caused by despair, betrayal, broken relationships, sin, (fill in the blank). As I blog today I must admit, I too have anxiety. The world is at times a very scary place to be, I worry for my kids and their safety - I worry about what will happen to their hearts as they go through life's bitter disappointments. I worry about my own heart being lost to cynicism.

However, there are these days, filled with friends and moments, where God just keeps calling me back to Himself. Where I am reminded not only through my experiences that God is faithful, but in reading this amazing Psalm, that same God is sure to be there for each one us in this time but has been faithful throughout all time to every generation.

I know these blogs aren't supposed to uber-long but how can you edit down something as powerful as a Psalm? Its too rich....soak it in my friends, and remember the same God who created heaven and earth is the one who promises to deliver you from whatever is creating anxiety for you today. Peace be with you.

Psalm 31(The Message)

I run to you, God: I run for dear life. Don't let me down!
Take me seriously this time! Get down on my level and listen, and please
no procrastination! Your granite cave a hiding place, your high cliff aerie a place of safety.

You're my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb. Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide. Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in you. I put my life in your hands. You won't drop me, you'll never let me down.

I hate all this silly religion, but you God I trust. I'm leaping and singing in the circle of your love; you saw my pain, you disarmed my tormentors, You didn't leave me in their clutches but gave me room to breath. Be kind to me , God - I'm' in deep, deep trouble again. I've cried my eyes out; I feel hollow inside. My life leaks away, groan by groan my years fadeout in sighs. My troubles have worn me out, turned my bones to powder. To my enemies I'm a monster; I'm ridiculed by the neighbors. My friends are horrified; they cross the street to avoid me. They want to blot me from memory, forget me like a corpse in a grave. The street-talk gossip has me "criminally insane"! Behind locked doors they plot how to ruin me for good.

Desperate I throw myself on you: you are my God! Hour by hour I place my days in your hand safe from the hands out to get me. Warm me, your servant with a smile. Save me because you love me. Don't embarrass me by not showing up; I've given you plenty of notice. Embarrass the wicked, stand them up, leave them stupidly shaking their heads as they drift down to hell. Gag those loudmouthed liars, who heckle me, your follower with jeers and catcalls.

What a stack of blessing you have piled up for those who worship you. Ready and waiting for all who run to you to escape an unkind world. You hide them safely away from the opposition. As you slam the door on those oily, mocking faces, you silence the poisonous gossip. Blessed God!

His love is the wonder of the world. Trapped by a siege, I panicked. "Out of sight, out of mind, " I said. But you heard me say it, you heard and listened.
Love God all you saints; God takes care of those who stay close to him, But he pays back in full those arrogant enough to go it alone.
Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up. Expect God to get here soon.

Here is my parting thought or rather question: what if you just stayed close to God today and let Him take care of the rest? What would that look and feel like for you, would you know peace then?

I think I do today at least for today.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Worship Like College Football?

I've only ever been to one college football game in my life, and that was several years ago. But its entirely different when you are going with your son on parents just seems to matter more for some reason.

All the cheering, the game itself has special meaning, the jumbo tron, it all is significant, and to be honest I didn't want to miss a moment. You may not be able to read that sign in the photo but we had our own leader, helping us to know when to raise our collective voices and make "noise" to cheer the team on to success. And we won resoundingly. When we left it was 45 to 7 Grizzlies, and Sacramento State didn't seem to be mounting much of a rebound effort.

It hit me as I surveyed the maroon and silver clad enthusiastic capacity crowd, what if we got this excited on Sunday morning when we got ready to worship our God, or Saturday, or Monday or Tuesday or whenever? Haven't you heard your worship leader lament on occasion how they wished the congregation would get into it a little more?

I mean this crowd was down right excited beyond anything I've ever seen, they surpassed my ten year old at the Hanson concert for sure. I was completely fascinated. Chants, cheers, waves, you name it they had it. And I couldn't help but think, that the enthusiasm of football fans infused into any worship service would really make worship much more exciting.

Think about it, what if we had a few waves for God? What if we cheered a little more for what He did in our lives, or we got on our feet spontaneously without someone having to cajole us into it? Or if we simply expressed our delight at the success we experienced in life, or the setbacks as a collective body?

Here is something truly amazing......every seat was filled in the stadium a full 16 minutes before the game! What if that was church and we were ready before the service instead of coming in late? I am going to give it a try this week. I am going to dress up for church like I did this week for the Griz game, I am going to prepare myself for worship like we prepared for college football, learn the prayers on the calendar of our church that week, and the songs, and come ready...ready to worship.

What if nobody needed to come in front of you with a sign this week that says "noise" and encourage you to sing out, but rather you were to come to church this week already dressed in garments of praise, ready to worship....

I don't know about you but I am going to try it. It might not be exactly like college football, but I know one thing for sure, I will leave that gathering completely transformed!

Friday, October 17, 2008

If you knew you couldn't fail........

I never thought I would feel this happy after my son dropped the bomb on us last night that he is the fourth floor "care rep" part of his psychology major responsibilities, of caring for his fellow students. The role involves counseling students who have been involved in rape, who need condoms, who think they might have an STD, and so on. Honestly, my feelings were ambivalent. I was so proud of his willingness to serve, but I have strong feelings about sex being the best in the confines of marriage, so the distribution of condoms from room 403 is really not what I thought college would be about for my boy. After a lot of dialogue though and reassurance that he feels the same, he explained about his role and how he gets to talk to kids about the choices they are making as well, it was really cool to hear about the difference he is making as the Care Rep....on the 4th floor of his little dorm here at Montana U. Now before everyone starts sending me hate mail, don't.

What I realized last night after he left was that I hadn't really affirmed him because I was very conflicted. So today I had a little repair work to do. You see our kids don't always get involved in what we want them to be involved in, but what I am most proud of is that he is involved. He is a leader. When I was his age I was just too insecure to join or lead anything. He is out there making a difference, in campus crusade, and in care rep, and in working on the carousel here in town doing wood working, he is volunteering his time and talent in a multitude of ways. Things that never would have crossed my mind at his age to do. Things that simply would have seemed so bizarre that I couldn't have fathomed putting myself out there, like he is doing. So yes, I am proud of him, and I had to tell him so today, and that I was wrong to judge the method of his making a difference, because it didn't fit in my "box" I couldn't give him what he needed from me the most last night, a good old fashioned, I am proud of you...just because you are you.....that would have been enough.

Today was great though, he explained why this is an important part of what he is learning in his psychology class, and listening to people, and confidentiality and all of that good stuff.

To the best of my ability I am working to listen with out judgement and just listen to what is over there. What if my son was able to keep someone from getting a disease that would take their life, or change their life forever by being a care rep on his floor? I don't know I still have a lot of conflicting feelings, but about him I am just amazed at his courage to step out and take risks. To go on paths his dad and I never did or would, to be a little trailblazer.

I pray he will never lose that. I wonder when I did? What in life keeps me from stepping out into new areas that God would have for me - maybe not passing out condoms :) but maybe passing out food to the poor, or starting a new venture, or adopting another child.

I have a little paperweight in my office, and it reads like this:

If you knew you couldn't fail, then what would you do?

Well, what would you do?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stillness in the midst of complete destruction?

Verse 10 and the whole of Psalm 46 seems particularly apropos for this time in our history, and in my life. "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. "

Earlier, infact right before this beautiful instruction the psalmist describes desolation, destruction, and what seems like a description of the past several weeks of headlines in our world.

"Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall." That is what its been like as I have watched the late night news only to see markets around the world fall as our markets here have fallen. The news seems so much more bleak and depressing. Yet God is with each one of us in such a profound way, in spite of everything we see, feel, fear, experience, and are subjected to in this time. That He instructs us to be still, and know....HE IS.....what a profound way to recenter our own hearts and minds regardless of what we are facing or living through today.

These are scary times, hard times, difficult doesn't begin to explain some of the true suffering that many people are experiencing everyday with their health, finances, jobs, and families. Yet the God who created heaven and earth is with us. That is rocking my world in a good way today.

I have no control over world markets, or even the local market for that matter. But I can control my remembering that God is God, and to truly apprehend the Truth of that reality, being still is the best posture for my heart in the midst of great anxiety.

Not sure what you are facing today, but I pray Psalm 46, that God "would be your refuge and your strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear even though the earth give way." Can you imagine? No fear in the midst of mountains falling into the sea? In the midst of the waters roaring and mountains quaking. I can't. I am afraid over too many trivial items according to the Psalms, because in the midst of this type of high drama, I can be still and know that God is God, and He is with me.

Have you ever really been that still?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Blogworthy or Praiseworthy

Tonight I was going to blog on something having to do with politics. I know, crazy. I am sure I would have received many comments. And it would have stimulated some great conversation, but really at the end of the day, what good would have come of it? I would have been able to whip everyone up real good, and I would have been able to get a bunch of traffic to this little blog of mine, but I would have had a bunch of hateful comments to deal with because we've seemingly lost the ability to dialogue with each other. Things are black or white, right or wrong, good or bad, left or right.....

I didn't post what I really wanted to because I knew I would be falling into what I really don't like about blogs; they often become negative and become forums that encourage gossip. Because of my last post and my current scripture reading through Philippians - I just couldn't. So I probably won't even get one comment, but here is a place where we can fix our eyes on Gods goodness Paul helps us to do that, and its really a cool section of scripture; where Paul states, "finally my beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

There is so much in this small amount of scripture to focus on even in the midst of all the fear and uncertainty that we are going through in our world right now. Tonight as I crossed the street with my little african princess there was the most beautiful almost full moon. It was stunning. How beautiful creation is. God is the most awesome of artists, and looking up at that beautiful moon I was quickly put in my place. That moon is so big, and I just thought wow, God, thanks for making that amazing moon, and this awesome day, and my little african princess, and all the cool things that fill my days, but most of all thank you for you.....

He is praise worthy.
What are you praising God for in these extraordinary times?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Passing the Sniff Test

Maybe its because I've been reading books like UnChristian, or because I have recently gone through a betrayal by a christian friend, but I am fairly sensative to those people who claim to be christian but act in ways that are truely unchristian. These two recent events and even the uncertainty in our world have had me doing a lot of self examination and questioning of my own life, and values- and really digging into the Word in a new way. I am hanging out a lot in the Psalms, Romans, and in Pauls amazing letters - which make new sense in the midst of lifes crisis's and challenges.

And why not feel terrible when we experience a betrayal, or even something as benign as a mis-step from a fellow brother or sister? We are all guilty of this, we all fall short. But think about it, It's really quite un-natural for us to say we are one thing and then act in ways that are completely opposite, or atleast it ought to be. After we become believers, we honestly should really feel uncomfortable when we betray our friends, or lie, or stab others in the back, or cheat, or bear false witness, or divide each other, or hurt each other, or act unkindly, or gossip, or do things that are simply counter intuitive in the christian life. It should feel really odd, wierd, uncomfortable - though we still sin - we have been redeemed, we should become more and more sensative to the heart of and ways of Christ the longer we walk with Him, and more and more we should become uncomfortable when we fall back to the ways of this world. Now I know I am shoulding a lot on you....for that I am sorry, but really there isn't a better way to say it.

But my question to you today is do you pass the sniff test? Where in your life do you line up, and where do you need to be realigned with the word? If you were being observed by an outsider, what would they say? Would they even think you were a Christian? The big ah-ha moment for me in Unchristian is that there is a sniff test for outsiders, and we aren't passing it as a church.....we are not making that and large the church is viewed poorly by outsiders, we are seen as hypocritical - not as loving.

This weekend in our church service we sang this song, and I must confess that I long for these words to be true:
The Church of Christ in Every Age - WLP 779

The church of Christ in every age, beset by change but spirit led, must claim and test its heritage, and keep on rising from the dead. Across the world, across the street the victims of injustic cry for shelter and for bread to eat and never live until they die. The let the servant church arise. A caring chruch that longs to be a partner in Christs sacrifice, and clothed in Christs humanity. For Christ alone whose blood was shed can cure the fever in our blood. And teach us how to share our bread and feed the starving multitude. We have no mission but to serve in full obedience to our Lord, to care for all without reserve, and spread Christs liberating word.

Author Unknown

The church is always changing, always renewing through the spirit, the blood and redemption of Christ, we are the church.....I long for us for me to be the kind of Christian who will serve in full obedience without reserve! What a beautiful hymn!

Today I pray that we would be a beautiful fragrence, and pass the sniff test - I am encouraged by this reading:

Philippians 4:1-9 read it, and give me your thoughts this week as you stand firm in the Lord!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness

Last night we were at Disneyland - and we experienced a random act of kindness that made our night terrific. We were there for Gigi's 6th birthday, with 3 of her best friends (see photo below)That is saying a lot already when you think of crowds pushing, pulling, crazy moms and dads all trying to get their kids a spot at the front of the line to see Minny and Mickey - imagine what it is to have two adults, out numbered by four kids....and then try to get to the front of the princess parade.....

Our day started bad, when we got caught in 2 hours of traffic, and missed our dinner with the princesses. But our 4 princesses in the car were so flexible, they were totally okay! And God made up for it in rapid fashion by granting us many favors in the park with one kind person after another....

We had second row seats at the parade, two ladies who had waited a long time - moved just like that and allowed our 4 girls to take their seats. Wow....they sat behind the girls. Random acts....I loved it. Well let me just say it was better than the dinner, every princess stopped and blew kisses to the girls, goofy, donald duck, the seven dwarfs, peter pan, everyone was taken by the four princesses all dressed and full of was a magical night.

Sure those ladies could have held their ground, literally, but they saw a chance to do something nice, and they took it.....why? What can we do today not because we are Christian, but just because it is a nice, kind and good thing to do for another person......what if you never told another person you were a Christian? What if they knew it by your love, your kindness, and the good you were about on behalf of others......

They will know you by your love......